Do you prefer the phrase juggling balls or spinning plates?
Regardless of the phrase you find yourself using, I am here to remind you to make sure that you have your eyes, attention and focus on the glass and ceramic ones.

The Key to Balance: Knowing What to Juggle and What to Drop
Life is all about juggling and plate spinning, the important thing is we need to ensure that we have the right ones in the air and that we don't drop the ones that don't bounce
- We also need to check to see which ones we can put down ...and that we are only juggling our own balls!
Design Your Routine: Creating Balance Through Prioritisation and Boundaries
Balancing work, life, business, and leadership is a tough ask.
Achieving work-life balance requires knowing which tasks to prioritise and creating a routine that supports sustainable success
There aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that is going to be on our to-do list, so we need to prioritise what we need to get done each day.
What are your priorities?
What can you de-prioritise?
How do you balance it out?
How to Avoid Burnout: The Importance of Change of Pace
Last week I was out and about a fair bit, with 2 trips to London and a weekend of basketball I was not home much so had to be smart with the time I had.
This week I have a much slower-paced week. No travelling and time set aside to work on the priority tasks for this week, and anything that got rolled over from last week.
I have a clear list of the priority tasks that need to be done this week to keep me on track and I have timeboxed my calendar to ensure the time is protected to get them done.
I have booked into my gym classes to ensure that I stay active, and even set an alarm to ensure that I am winding down before I go to sleep. I have booked in some time with a friend to give me some time out and will be looking forward to another basketball game at the end of the week.
Time Management Tips to Keep Your Plates Spinning Without Breaking
You cannot spend every week in the fast lane. You need to make sure that you have a change of pace and that the average pace is sustainable for long periods of time.
Our routine will happen either by default or design.
If you want to create balance, you need to design a schedule that creates balance.
Then you need to create the boundaries and be disciplined to stick to the schedule.
By designing your routine and setting clear boundaries, you can avoid burnout and maintain focus on what matters most.
Balancing work, life, and leadership starts with identifying your priorities and managing your time effectively.
Prioritisation - Time Management - Balance - Boundaries - Discipline -
All behaviours and behavioural skills that are key to success.
Prioritisation, Balance, and Boundaries: Skills for Sustainable Success
Which one do you need to focus on to make sure that you don't drop the ball or plate that is going to break and have a significant impact?
Learn how to juggle your responsibilities without dropping the important 'glass balls' that could have a lasting impact.
Ready to regain balance and prioritise what matters most? Download my free resources or subscribe to the Resource Library for just £29/month to access tools for success
If I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to ask.
I am here to support you.
Have a great rest of the week
- May all your balls stay in the air and all your plates continue to spin!