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10 things I have learned from 2017 to take into 2018.

A blog to end one year and begin the next.

I have had quite a challenging 12 months. Needless to say, I have not ended the year where I thought I would be ending it.

It hasn’t been an easy ride but would I change it … HELL NO!!

2017 has been a year of lessons learned, challenges faced, changes made.

I got burned, but I rose from the ashes and once again I have risen a new version, a little stronger, a little wiser and ready be an even better version of me.

Here are my top 10 lessons learned this year.

People don’t react how you expect

Some show up – some go AWOL. Pay attention to those who step up when you need them to. Make sure you show them the same respect when they need it.

Ethics, morals and values will not always match yours

This doesn’t necessarily make them right or wrong. We all experience life in a different way and this can impact how we see the world and the decisions we make. Whilst it can be hard sometimes we must respect that others have a different opinion and approach.

The lows help you appreciate the highs

Times of adversity test us and help us to identify how strong we are. Often, we are stronger than we think. Identify the strengths and skills you have used to overcome adversity and then use it to move forward and thrive.

You can plan but you have to be prepared to flex

We all make plans but sometimes life, or other people, have different ideas. This is why it is important to enjoy the journey and not wait until we reach the destination to be happy.

You can feel awesome for no reason at all

What are you waiting for? Are you waiting for a holiday, a job, a promotion, a relationship or a certain physique? Why wait? Don’t waste time waiting, appreciate what you have and feel awesome for no reason at all!

Everyone you meet has a purpose

Reason, season, or lifetime we all meet people for a reason but it is a revolving door and people will come and go. Don’t hold on to relationships that no longer contribute positively. Hold on to the Radiators and Sails, allow the drains and anchors to pass on through.

Priorities will change

Review your priorities on a regular basis. Are they still aligned to your goals? Are they still in keeping with your own ethics, morals and values? Check that you are putting your time and energy into the right activities to achieve your goals.

Time for yourself is a priority

If you don’t look after yourself you can’t look after others. If in doubt remind yourself that we are instructed to put the oxygen mask on ourselves so we can help other people in the case of emergency. Take time to look after yourself, and make sure it is guilt free. A happy you is a benefit for everyone.

It’s ok to still want more

Stay hungry. Be content with what you have, be grateful for all you have but always strive for more. Always challenge yourself to be better. Are you the best version of you?

You don’t have to wait for the end of the year …

Like priorities, don’t wait until the end of the year to have a review of your life. Don’t wait until the 31st December to leave habits, behaviours and people that are no longer of use to you behind. In the same sense, you don’t have to wait until the 1st January to set goals and intentions.

Review life on a regular basis don’t wait for a date!

The Alma Vale Centre, Clifton, Bristol BS8 2HY

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